The Government recently announced changes to Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) regulations. The decision to remove the deadlines has raised questions about its future impact and the influence this has on landlords.
EPC regulation changes
As you may already know, EPC regulations require landlords to obtain an EPC rating when selling or renting a property.
The certificate rates a property from most efficient to least efficient, in the aim of guiding potential buyers and renters on the potential costs and overall energy efficiency of the property.
Despite the changes, properties still require an EPC rating although there is no longer a requirement for new tenancies to have a rating of C or above.
What does it mean for landlords?
Following the proposal reversal, landlords are no longer legally required to take any further action to improve their energy efficiency rating across their portfolio.
The Government is still recommending upgrades where possible, in support of its Net Zero target, however these remain recommendations until further notice.
It’s important to consider the demands of the market, with opportunities available to create a suitable property for tenants who want a more energy-efficient home.
Staying informed and prepared
While the discussions regarding EPC regulations continue, it’s essential for you to stay informed and prepare for potential changes. Consider reviewing your properties for energy-efficient opportunities, making improvements where feasible. This could be an excellent selling point to attract eco-conscious tenants. Stay updated on any changes in regulations, as they may impact your obligations and opportunities. Be prepared for potential market shifts.
A general election could see EPC regulations make a potential return, so keeping your energy efficiency at a high level could set you apart in a competitive rental market.
If you’d like to discuss the options available to you, contact us today.