Category Archives: My Family Mortgage Blog

AMI release latest protection industry report

Earlier this month, AMI released their latest report that opens up some really intriguing protection-based [Read More]

First home: is now the time to buy?

It is likely that interest and mortgage rates will increase, but there are still plenty [Read More]

Self-employed mortgages: what are the options?

The global pandemic has forced thousands of people up and down the country either permanently [Read More]

Mental health support: What do insurers offer?

Mental health struggles are all too familiar to a large percentage of UK residents. An [Read More]

First time buyers: what are the options?

2021 has seen some welcome good news in the first-time buyer market. Mortgage affordability for [Read More]

The buy-to-let market: where are we now?

After a whirlwind 18 months, it would seem some form of normality is on the [Read More]

Understanding General Insurance

With normality resuming and furlough coming to an end, many people are returning to their [Read More]

How to save energy at home

Now that summer is officially over and the cold winter months draw ever closer, there’s [Read More]

Are you mortgage ready?

So, you’re hoping to get yourself onto the property ladder and are on your way [Read More]

Our Top 10 Tips for Saving for a Deposit

Mortgages are more readily available than they have ever been, with many Government schemes available [Read More]