If your current rate is due to expire within the next 6 months now would be a good time to start reviewing your options.

like for like
If you want to keep everything the same and just change rate this is something called a ‘like for like remortgage’.
By changing lender you might benefit from some new customer rates and could end up saving you money – which is usually a good thing!
A standard timeframe to get the mortgage offered and ready to go typicaly 4 to 6 weeks. But may be longer or shorter depending on your circumstances.
product transfer
Sometimes, the best option is to stay with your exising lender. This is called a product transfer and most lenders offer this approach. Usually, with a product transfer you can’t amend your current mortgage term or details, so can be a little rigid.
However, it’s worth while noting that not all exisiting customer rates and new customer rates are the same, so we will always look at this option for you. For some though, this is the best option and we are more than happy to help – even if it means staying with your current lender.

additional borrowing
Sometimes you might want to take extra money out of your house value and increase your mortgage.
This will be treated as a new application and therefore would need to meet the lenders guidelines for affordability and credit etc. But we’ll help with that part.
There’s loads of reasons you can raise addittional money for such as:
Home Improvements
Gift to Family Member
Property Investment
Debt Consolidation (see below)
Plus many more…
debt consolidation
Occassionally, life throws us a curve ball and we find ourselves in a situation where we’re unable to get out of a hole that we find ourselves in. This can have a serious effect on our financial and mental wellbeing.
Debt consolidation mortgages are something that do actually exisit but are usually subject to stringent rules and affordability guidelines. If this is something you find may be a solution again we will be more than happy to run through your options.
We would need to consider the implications of securing previously unsecured debt against your home and the long term financial impact, but for some this may be a good solution.

There are som many different things to consider when you come to remortgage.
Fortunately, we will go through all of your options and routes to find a solution that actually works.